By: Jess Canty

Just wanted to check in on a few items this week:
The beginning of the year is a time for reflection and getting yourself set up for success. Make sure you are connecting with your manager to set up a goals call or in-person meeting to discuss what you want to accomplish in 2020. We look at your photos all day long - but we love to actually see you in person sometimes!
Also wanted to make sure you had some info that WE believe will get your 2020 launched strong.
1. The fantastic Schyler Martin has agreed, along with her assisting duties for Sarah Baker Grillo, to help me with some Cinterra projects - as you may have already seen. If you receive an email from Schyler please reply as you would if I were sending. She is an awesome resource for the whole Cinterra fam!
2. Talent Reports - I get the sense that y'all aren't quite sure exactly HOW to use the information we are sending in your talent reports.
You should be looking through the Actor's Access report to identify offices which we are submitting you to, often.
Set google alerts for these offices so you can be aware of their "wins"... so that when you do go in the room you can say "Hey saw your article in Screen magazine" or "Congrats on your Artios award win."
SIDENOTE - You should be paying attention to the Artios awards :) If you don't know what that is - google it.
Look for workshops with offices that appear on your submission report regularly.
3. Same thing for your audition reports
Which offices are you going in for regularly? Which offices have you called back with / booked with?
Do you have google alerts set for them?
Are you looking out for workshops and events where you can have some time with them outside of an audition.
Are you sending hand-written thank-you notes and/or "look forward to seeing you in 2020" notes?
4. If you are SAG you should absolutely be involved in the programs provided by the SAG FOUNDATION.
There are panels with other actors and they offer opportunities to get in the room with casting directors to hear them interviewed.
Sign up to be able to participate in these events. ***Note that if you sign up and miss events you go on the naughty list - so once you are approved by SAG please make sure you can attend the screenings and panels you actually sign up for.
Did you know that casting offices and casting directors are CRAZY ABOUT INSTAGRAM? Yep! Its true. MANY offices in town post regularly about their projects and that means they know who is liking their posts. I have even heard that they will check in on actors they like from time to time - so... are you following casting? Are you liking their posts?
We expect that as a Cinterra client you are going to know that you should YES follow casting and YES like their posts.
You should YES be excited if they watch something you have posted or like it.
You should YES thank them when you book something and YES tag them when your episode airs.
You should COMMENT ON THEIR POSTS WITH CARE - remember the internet is forever - a like is probably safest unless you have a legit relationship with them or reason to leave a comment.
You should not TAG them in your posts unless it pertains to thanking them for an opportunity WITHOUT MENTIONING THE PROJECT or it is a post when the program airs or the movie comes out. ***But you should probably mostly not tag them unless there is a REALLY good reason like the above.***
You should NOT direct message them about a breakdown you saw, your audition or callback.
You SHOULD NOT DIRECT MESSAGE THEM... Unless they DM you first.
So... with all of those ground rules I am trusting all of you with the attached list provided by Brian Gilleece. Keep in mind this list includes these offices' professional accounts. We have not included private personal accounts of casting.
We only recommend requesting to follow one of these accounts if/when you have an established relationship - and always better to wait for them to request to follow you.
Happy Sunday Folks - the first month of 2020 is almost in the can. Make the most of every day.