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This a Rollie Not a Stop Watch

Updated: Sep 23, 2018

By: Brian Gilleece


Ironically I’m writing this post from SFO Airport Terminal, which does not quite reflect the sentiment of this post (moving fast), but certainly highlights the importance of moving with purpose and clarity in pursuit of your goals!


This is it, this is your life, this is your shot. It's now, its not in 5 years its not in 10 years, because anything that will happen starts NOW. No matter where you are, you will never look better, be younger or have more energy then RIGHT NOW...So let's capitalize!


Last week Jess Canty spoke about “Goldielocks’ing your Agent”, not too hot, not too cold, just right. And we spoke about having PATIENCE. So now let’s meld the two and throw in some Purpose, Clarity and Tenacity.

The fact of the matter is, to make any level of living in this business in any position you need have a commitment to running faster than your counterparts. The fact is, you are running with the best.

If you want to go punch a clock and relax on your lunch break I heard Los Angeles Community College is hiring. But… WE have lot’s to do, and not that much time to do it - so let’s focus on some ways to get were we need to be with some haste and pep in our step!


You need to find your purpose and your goals FAST, because everything you do needs to be in pursuit of these goals. Any activity adjacent of moving in straight line at these goals is a waste of time. Guys, life goes really really fast. Get a grip on what you need out of it.

  • What do you want?

  • When do you want it?

  • How are you going to get it?

  • Who can you leverage to get it?


  • Guess what? As an actor the two MAIN jobs are to be CREATIVE and EMPATHETIC, these traits do not organically create a mental space of comfort. Get used to it.

  • You ALWAYS need to be training, pushing yourself, getting a painful critique from your coaches, directors, reps and peers. Get used to it.

  • There is always going to be someone in your space, someone with “your role” someone who has what you want. Get used to it.

  • You will never be told why or get closure. Get used to it.

  • Kevin Bacon said it “no matter how big you get, you will always be waiting for the phone to ring”. Get used to it.

This a VERY uncomfortable business, but also why it creates such amazing results. You think all the great creative work or technological innovation we see comes from a guy sat at Jimmy Buffets restaurant in South Beach with a Mai Tai? Nope.

It's ALL from a place of discomfort: circumstances, finances or mental space. Can you feel it in the world today? Man I can. EMBRACE THE DISCOMFORT. And if you feel like you're "somewhere" or have done "something," you feel comfortable, that is were you F*cked up. Double down. Push your self, get as uncomfortable as you can with everything!


We talk about this often BUT it’s because it is head and shoulders one of the most critical points that MOST actors do not want to focus on. Think I’m full of it? Fine, ask ANY industry pro, ask any agent, ask any coach.. ask YOUR coach..…….It’s 99% on you to drive your self.

  • Fact of the matter is, YOU are the only person who knows what your limits are, what your ability peak is, where your work ethic ends and were your potential becomes your actuality.

  • YOU are the only person in this world who can get up out of bed and kick your self in the ass, grind till the sun goes down and get up and do it again…..And Again….AND again……........AND AGAIN.

  • Drake said it “this a rollie not a stop watch, shit don’t ever stop." Can you look your self in the face everyday, after every audition, every class, every coaching and say “I brought my best, I pushed?” Or even more important can you say “I did not bring my best, I need to recalibrate, I need to focus?" Can you learn to? I think so, and I think you should...


When we talk about PATIENCE and MOVING FAST, they seem like contrasting principals but the fact is they go perfectly together.

We did not say Stop and Rush, that would be much different. You NEED to be able to run quickly to your goals, and when you hit opportunities to achieve those goals slow down and ease into them and operate with PATIENCE, perspective and vision, using your strategic thinking ability.

Its like driving into a construction zone, you need to slow down to assess all the obstacles and moving parts so not make a mistep and hurt yourself, someone else or at a minimum scuff your bumper - damn. Operating with PATIENCE is simply the ability to not rush and to see all aspects, to not be rash, to be thoughtful.

But MOVING FAST with zest, and spirit is always a requirement.

**FYI** hitting Send on this post as the plane swoops into LA with the morning sun coming up over the HOLLYWOOD SIGN to my left....As inspiring as the first time I ever saw it.

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