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Let's Talk About Not Sending Muffins to Anyone EVER.


By: Brian Gilleece

***TOP O' THE MORNIN'*** Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend, let's get back to work!

We're gonna spend some time this morning talking about appropriate ways to reach out to casting to a) keep you top of mind and b) show appreciation for their efforts. There are several ways that are appropriate and we will go through it!

POST CARDS: Yup, post cards, good ole fashioned post cards. Post cards are something you should absolutely be sending after any audition that is substantial or where you feel like a connection was made. Sending soon after the audition is best practice, but a few weeks after can also still be helpful. Weather you went on tape or were physically in the room you should have a custom post card with the following and if you don't have one, get one.

  • Your face on it

  • Some iteration of the words "Thank You"

  • A hand written message showing how grateful you are and well a swell chap you must be.

Services We Like: *Cheap, quality is good and you can choose from some pre designed templates* *If you got like that and want a stepped up version, well then here ya go*

Post cards get a bad rap because dummies think that cold-soliciting via a 5x7 print out of their face is going to make them a movie star. Needless to say, this is not how it works.

The post cards that get thrown out are ones that are unsolicited, tacky or in bad taste. A genuine thank you note goes a long way. These people have the ability to see 1000's of actors, and to have the opportunity to read for them means at the bare minimum they should remember your face because they chose it out of so many and you should show some gratitude to ensure them you were a good choice (booked it or not) because you are not asking for anything, you're just swell folk. Build that relationship!

What If I Booked it? Mannnnnnnnn, open up your dam wallet and send them a thank you note and some kind of meaningful gift. This town was BUILT on gift baskets and lunches, if you think your above that, mannnnnnn, that's where you slipped up. The gift does not have to be expensive, thoughtful is the name of the game here! Custom note pad? Pen? Mug? Tasteful food gift that isn't muffins....Nobody likes muffins.

Were Do I Get Addresses?

  • For one you should be able to look back through that handy notebook that is sitting in your car, that has the list of all of the auditions you have been on, where they were, what you wore and how you felt about it. So there are a few of the addresses you need at least (obviously this doesn't work if you were at a place like CAZT where the casting room is rented by the CD).

  • IMDb Pro (if the address that is listed on IMDb is contradictory to were you auditioned check with us).

  • Google the CD - many of them have websites.


This is ABSOLUTELY not an all the time thing, I will say it again, this is not a blog or weekly update, were talking bout 1-2 times a year, tops! But, if you have some substantial traction or things happening in your actor world, casting typically is interested to know about it in a non-invasive way, strictly informational.

There is ZERO way for Casting to keep up on every actor's happenings, and that is why it is incumbent upon you to stay on the radar. And if your not on their radar, get on it. That YOUR job!

Recurring on a big show? Maybe an email update is appropriate! Have a super funny set at UCB? How bout some recent sweet network/studio or feature bookings? Maybe an email update is appropriate.

What's NOT Appropriate:

  • Booking update on anything non-union.

  • "I'm Shooting a short"

  • I Have a project at a film festival but NOT one of the big 15 film festivals.

  • I got New Headshots

  • I bought a snake

  • My foot hurts

*And the list goes on. If you think you are ready to send out an email newsletter, you MUST discuss with your management team FIRST.

How do I get Casting's Email Addresses?

  • If they are publicly available on IMDb it is appropriate to email these people if you have an update OR if you have been in for them and have their email via an associate, pinning, booking etc.

  • Fair game is any email that is a) public or b) obtained by professional means. That's it. No exceptions, you could really mess your self up, so check yo self before you wreck yo self.

  • Again - you need to get your management team involved here - we will help you decide WHO goes on this list based on who you have been in for and who you are targeting. PROCEED WITH CAUTION! Please get us involved.

Services We Like: *Free + You can track views and clicks as well as many other aspects of the campaign, plus you will not be exposing everyone's emails to all the other contacts on the list* They also allow people to unsubscribe so that you don't get caught as a spammer. 

Wix Shout Out

For those of you who have a Wix website this is an add-on service (and the same one we use to send our weekly newsletter to all of you! Like MailChimp it has tracking and meets the rules for anti-spam. 


It's the little things y'all that separate you from the crowd -  that is if you want to separate yourself. Think long and hard about what you are doing to be part of the pack or separate your self from it and then decide if that is what you want!

The Little things, the extra.

Bobby Bakedbeans pulling movie stubs at the AMC at 12 hours a clip probably ain't sending targeted and crafted email marketing blasts to potential employers and fans, but maybe you are. A Thank you, some appreciation and some focused tenacity can go a long way.

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