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Writer's pictureTEAM CINTERRA


Updated: May 30, 2018

TEAM! Thanks so much for getting your profiles all set up with LA Casting / Casting Networks.

IF you have sent us an email but you haven't yet heard back about photos REST ASSURED we are still working through everyone's emails and we WILL get back to you.

Please note that we have only asked you to put up the 2 free photos because you know we are NEVER in the position to want to ask you to shell out $$$.

That being said - if you want to add more - so that your profile will more closely match your AA profiles that we have worked so hard on together, you aren't going to hear any complaints from us.

Same with adding media. Remember the #1 most important thing for our ability to get you work IS your profile. It is the first thing casting sees. The FIRST thing potential agents ask for when reviewing a pitch from us for representation. IT IS YOUR CALLING CARD! So you will never hear us complain about having more to work with...

The ONE exception to this rule, of course, being if you have TOO many old photos in your profile. This helps nobody. Remember on both sites we may share a link to your FULL profile when we pitch you. Do you really want the CD to see that photo of you from 4 years ago that never got you called in on a job?

Now that we are up and running, let's make sure that we are looking good! If you need guidance on what to remove / how to handle this on the LA Casting side please reach out.

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